Enterprise Estonia
Enterprise Estonia Moved to Digital Document Management System
SharePoint lösningar
  • To support moving over from paper document solutions to fully digital document management changing doucument handling faster, cheaper and more reliable.
  • MS SharePoint Server
  • Integration with external apps

Established in 2000, Enterprise Estonia (EAS) promotes business and regional policy in Estonia and is one of the largest institutions within the national support system for entrepreneurship by providing financial assistance, counselling, cooperation opportunities and training for entrepreneurs, research institutions, the public and non-profit sectors.

In 2006, EAS decided to move on with digital document management system. Selected solution was MS Sharepoint.

The main goal, when Uptime started a software development project with EAS, was to move to fully digital document management system what can handle document management tasks and track history.

For today, solution is used at one of the main digital systems supporting EAS self-service environment, accounting, CRM and project management software. Document management system joins documents arriving from different channels and adds relations with application management, tenders, and other processes of organization. There are over 140 000 documents created yearly in organization, so the important part of solution is desktop created for users where they can find necessary documents for different tasks quickly.

Document Management System was made on Sharepoint platform, because this was the most suitable solution for client and Uptime has long-time experiences in Sharepoint development.

There are no steel cabinets any more in our office and archive rooms are turned to meeting rooms within last 10 years, if we moved to paperless document handling. This has made all business processes significantly faster. It was not easy for developer to follow our organization´s peculiarity. Uptime has not been discouraged of that, they are enthusiastic and respect their promises.
Sigrid Harjo
Board member